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Open Postdoc position in PanasyukLab

Apply now at Euraxess

Panasyuk Lab is excited to announce the opening of a two-year postdoctoral position funded by the ERC (European Research Council).
Join our team to study how cells adjust their metabolism to the environment. We're looking for candidates with a solid background in genomic/transcriptomic analyses, including hands-on experience with ChIP-Seq or Cut&Run and RNA-Seq approaches. Experience in dissecting regulatory mechanisms and translating findings to in vivo models is preferred. Apply now if you're ready to take on a challenging, high-impact research question. Follow this link to see details HOW TO APPLY. Join Panasyuk Lab for an exciting scientific journey!

15 July 2024

Team Panasyuk welcomed Olympic flames in Paris! Amazing crowd spirit!

11 July 2024

The Team 17 catched the rare in Paris sunrays and enjoyed a lunch-time journal club picnic at Necker campus garden

2 July 2024

Congratulations to Edouard for successfully defending his PhD on class 3 PI3K in lysosomal storage diseases, marking a significant milestone in our lab's research efforts. His groundbreaking work promises to advance our understanding and treatment of these complex diseases.

19 June 2024

Nate gets his PhD diploma! Finally GRADUATED!

17 June 2024

Ganna presented the work of our team at Imagine institute on invitation from Edor Kabashi. Great feedback and inspiring discussion that will follow by fruitful collaborations further reinforcing the links between two institutes on Necker campus!

14 June 2024

Happy Birthday to Catherine! Great day and more to come filled with wonderful lyso-chemistry!

10 June 2024

Edouard made a great presentation summarising a fraction of his PhD project findings in lysosomal storage diseases to clinicians and biologists in the congress of SFEIM in Saint Malo (France)

3 -4 June 2024

Happy double birthday to our medical heroes, Muriel and Edouard! We are grateful for your dedication and contributions to advancing the research on class 3 PI3K and beyond!

21 May 2024

Happy Birthday to Chloé Nicolas! It is a pleasure to have you with us for your Master 1 internship!

18-22 May 2024

Ganna was invited as a plenary speaker at the Society for Research on Biological Rhythms (SRBR) biennale meeting 2024, representing our lab and sharing insights on our latest research. We look forward to developing the frontline collaborations and testing innovative ideas she brought back.

15 May 2024

Prof Mark Davis visited INEM and gave two inspiring talks, dedicating his time for meeting junior researchers for a journal club and career advises! Great learning frontline of human immunology, a true outside the cage approach!

15 May 2024

Unstoppable Daryna passed with five-stars her first PhD School evaluation with external experts CSI jury! Ganna is always there for thumbs-up and oversee the preparations

15 April 2024
Congratulations to Daryna who made her first institutional seminar at INEM open to entire Necker campus. Great experience of summarizing Biliary Atresia project and the main directions of her initiated PhD training. Team 17 extended these discussions with tasty pizza-lunch!

30 March 2024

Happy Birthday, Alexis! Fantastic occasion to celebrate another special day (and+1y year of joy) as well as invaluable contributions to our lab.

22 March 2024

After completing a year-long visiting postdoc fellowship in our lab, Ying bids farewell as she returns home to China. To celebrate her time with us, we gathered for good-bye lunch featuring her favourite dish – Italian pasta! Good luck, we will be missYing you! Looking forward to continuYing our collaborations with more scientific exchanges about nutrients and nutrient sensing signalling!

20 March 2024

Daryna presented her PhD project overview at “the INEM-freshmen PhD day” highlighting the main lines that she marked for her training and setting a great example of aiming for impact research!

20 March 2024

Nate proudly received his PhD diploma with distinction, showcasing his outstanding academic accomplishments. His exceptional achievement is a testament to his hard work and expertise that he gained developing his project. Congratulations, Nate! We are extremely proud of you!

15 March 2024

Daryna received her Master 2 diploma from Univerité Paris Cité, completing as the top student of her graduating class. Her achievement reflects her dedication and exceptional academic performance, marking a significant milestone in her journey. Congratulations, Daryna! We are extremely proud of you!

28  February  2024

The APINEM team organized a delightful happy hour event featuring crepes for all members of the institute to enjoy. It provided a wonderful opportunity for everyone to relax, connect, and indulge in some delicious treats.

February  2024

Happy birthday Ganna! We celebrated Ganna's da with a delightful “indoor picnic”, where everyone brought a specialty dish from their country. It was a wonderful way to honour Ganna while embracing the diversity of our team and enjoying delicious international cuisine together.

16 February 2024 
We were honoured to host Prof. Emilio Hirsch, a distinguished scientist in the PI3K field as our external speaker for Friday's seminars. Emilio’s ground-breaking work in PI3K signalling has earned him widespread recognition in the scientific community and ignited great discussions in INEM. His engaging presentation provided valuable insights and sparkled future collaborations between our teams.

29 January 2024

Edouard, our fourth-year PhD student, gave an outstanding presentation at the department seminar. His exemplary performance reflects his dedication and expertise, setting a high standard for academic excellence. Well done, Edouard! And of course we celebrated it by spiced lunch at new Vietnamese place!

12 January 2024
Nate, postdoc in the team, gave a great presentation at the INEM bioinformatics club, sharing his knowledge with the institute. His talk was insightful and engaging, showcasing his expertise in the field. 

05 January 2024

Ganna is back from fantastic intense scientific visit to Singapore where she had an opportunity to meet and discuss with the faculty in Duke-NUS and A*Star! We celebrated her safe return and plenty of collaborative ideas it with coffee and traditional Chinese NY pastries.

01 January 2024

Let it be a year of Olympic discoveries, ground-breaking-record matching achievements and utmost importantly - a year of unbreakable metabolic health:)

21 December 2023

Welcoming school children in the Panasyuk lab. Edouard is explaining wonders of western blotting!

15 December 2023

Team17 tradition of Christmas card preparation! Getting ready for another year of amazing discoveries

13 December 2023

Nate brilliantly defended his PhD work! We are proud of your remarkable achievements that inspire new generations in the Panasyuk Lab. We are looking forward to witnessing your continued success and contributions to the field.

12 December 2023

4th floor Christmas lunch! Great time to bond with our neighbours from Pende, Vargas and Chatenoud & Moraes labs! Holiday mood is getting stronger and stronger ;)

11 December 2023

Team 17 dressed up Christmas tree at INEM! Holidays are coming :)


Nate presented his PhD work at INEM seminar! Last seminar as a PhD student… new era is coming.

04-05 December 2023

Alexis, Arianna, and Daryna embarked on a memorable visit to collaborators at Dominik Lutter's lab in winter wonderland in Munich. More collaborative data analysis to come!

01 December 2023
It was great to host Dominik Lutter lab from Helmholtz Munich! We have fostered further our cooperation under the PHC-PROCOPE framework

Daryna presented her PhD project at annual forum of École doctorale BioSPC followed by inspirational discussions with other PhD students. A fantastic kick-off to the PhD journey!

21 November 2023

MORE Great NEWS! congratulations to Muriel for winning the INSERM-interphace contract that grants her more research time in our lab.  What a wonderful crescendo of 2023!

14 November 2023 - SFR day at Insistut Imagine

During the SFR day at Institut Imagine, Ganna shared our cool research on the role of class 3 PI3K in metabolic rhythmicity, sparking insightful discussions. We extend our gratitude to the SFR platform for fostering such enriching scientific exchanges and collaborative opportunities.

5 October 2023

Happy birthday, Daryna! As you embark on your PhD journey in our lab, may your special day be the beginning of countless enriching experiences and achievements.

18 September 2023 

During the INEM retreat 2023, Team17 enjoyed a delightful time together, engaging in team-building activities and strengthening our collaborative connections within the institute. We also celebrated Arianna's birthday, adding joy and warmth to our memorable experience.

13-15 September 2023 – Ganna is presente at “ The PI3K-AKT-mTOR-PTEN pathway: a new era in basic research and clinical translation” in Barcelona, Spain

7-10 September 2023 - Team retreat

Great kick-off of a new tradition in the team – yearly team retreat! We spent wonderful time in Montpelier, discussed science and worked together. Surrounded by nature, we bonded and became even stronger team.

July 2023 - The latest story of the PanasyukLab on Class 3 PIK as a transcriptional co-activator is now published in Nature Cell Biology! Big shoutout to the great INEM team for this groundbreaking work: https://rdcu.be/dgd8k

And Happy Birthday Ying!!! What a busy July we had:)

The Panasyuklab picnic to celebrate the end of exceptional academic year and summer coming!

July 2023 - Congratulations to Nate who obtained a prestigious excellence postdoctoral fellowship   « G.E.N.E. Mentor - postdoc de transition » from IdEx program of Université Paris Cité.

July 2023 – We welcome Artem Degtiar as our Erasmus Summer trainee for 2 months!

June 2023 – We are mega excited to congratulate Daryna for winning the prestigious PhD fellowship from French Ministry of Education! She also finished TOP of the list of her MSc LPI program! We are extremely proud of her success and looking forward to assist her in fantastic PhD training.

19 June 2023 - The PanasyukLab was strongly represented at the 1st Necker-Metabolism Day held in INEM. Great presentations from Nate and Edouard! Ganna had an honor to chair a fantastic session! Great participation from all the team. New connections with clinical departments and teams from Imagine are budding.

May 2023 - New tradition of the PanasyukLab – PIZZA Wednesday

30 May 2023 – Ganna had an absolute honor to accept the Necker Foundation award. It recognizes the achievements of the PanasyukLab and inspires us to push further the even bluer skies and wider horizonts! We proud to be part of INEM. 

May 2023 – It was great to host in INEM Prof. Hans Clevers. Amazing talks and great stimulating discussions!

23 March 2023 - Ganna gave an invited seminar at GIGA Institute, University of Liège, Belgium. It was a fantastic opportunity to share our findings and to learn about research in Dr. Chariot Alain Lab.

20 March 2023 - We welcome Ying Luo who joins us for one year on NSFC doctoral fellowship in frame of EU cooperation.

February 2023 – We say GoodBye to Yui and Alban who leave us to pursuit their professional journeys in homeland Japan and in France. We will miss you both dearly.

January 2023 – good galette is always a MUST in the PanasyukLab

8 November 2022 - Ganna was invited by Padmanabhan Kiran to give a seminar in ENS Lyon, France. Great discussions in exciting multi-disciplinary institute

10 October 2022 - Ganna was invited by Dom Lutter to give a seminar in DKFZ, Munich, Germany. Our collaboration is growing from strength to strength and we are looking forward to more cool projects between two labs

16 September 2022 - Ganna presented at Europhysiology 2022 conference in Copenhagen, Sweden

1 September, 2022 - Ganna presented 11th Swiss Chronobiology Meeting, University of Fribourg, Switzerland

24-28 July 2022 - Ganna presented and chaired the session at EBRS congress, Zurich, Switzerland. Great time meeting old friends and collaborators

1 July 2022 - Ganna served as the CSI committee member to the PhD thesis progress of Emma Cosialls.

8 July 2022 - Fantastic news from PanasyukLab: Congratulations to Muriel Girard, a pediatric hepatologist, for winning the prestigious ANR-JCJC award with the BATMEN project! Super MD with Super powers to make amazing progress in the Biliary Atresia field. Champagne:)

June 2022 - Congratulations to the Verrier Lab for publishing a great story on the therapeutic potential of the Tat-Beclin loaded nanoparticles for treatment of steatosis. Edouard did a great job with leading this collaboration.

24 June 2022 - It was an exceptional honour to host Bart Vanhaesebroeck as our external speaker for INEM seminar series. Great feedback on our science and looking forward to future tight collaborations.

June 2022 - Congratulations to Anthony who has graduated from MSc-M2 program “Nutrition, Metabolism, signalization”, University of Paris Cite as the Major of Promotion. Team work is the dream work especially when it comes to team picnic to celebrate

June 2022 - It was great fun to welcome in the lab secondary school kids! Lots of cool questions to answer:)

June 2022 - Happy birthday, Catherine!

8-10 June 2022 - YRSL-2022 conference hosted in INEM. Congratulations to Nate and Edouard who won best poster and short-talk awards! It was also a great opportunity to build further collaboration with Prof. Charna Dibner and Prof. Fotios Sampaziotis!

June 2022 - It was a super pleasure to welcome school kids in our lab to give a first taste of on-bench research!

2 June 2022 -  Congratulations to the Guillou Lab for publishing a great story on the crosstalk between liver and adipose tissue for lipid metabolism. It was fun to participate in this collaborative project and more to come. Chantal did a great job with leading this collaboration.

2 June 2022 - Nate successfully presented his PhD thesis progress to CSI committee. He got great feedback from Prof. Sagi Shapira and Dr. Jean-Sebastien Annicotte and his application for 4th year subscription to PhD School was fully supported.

8 June 2022 - Edouard successfully presented his mid-PhD progress to CSI committee. He got great feedback from Prof. Thierry Levade and Dr. Nicolas Dupont.

June 2022 - Happy birthday Muriel and Edouard!

9-11 May 2022 - Ganna has participated in bi-institutional TIGEM-INEM seminar. Great discussions and scientific exchange to sprinkle new collaborations

2 May 2022 - We are happy to welcome Gehenna as a postdoc in the PanasyukLab! We are even more international:)

29 April 2022 - We welcomed Dominik Lutter (DKFZ, Germany) as an external seminar speaker in INEM. Looking forward to continue our fruitful collaboration!

April 2022 - It was a great pleasure to host Chloe as L3 trainee in our team! Good luck in your next engineering adventure and we hope you will join our team one day.

April 2022 - Goodbye to Chantal and good luck for your new adventure as a postdoc in the Institute Curie! We will miss the houmous and energy meter.

March 2022 - Happy birthday, Alexis (Ganna’s special choco cake bake!)

February 2022 - Happy birthday, Ganna!


February 2022  - CONGRATULATIONS to Dr.Yui Shibayama for obtaining the PhD degree!

January 2022 - Happy birthday, Nate! Please do not explode….

19 January 2022 - Ganna gave a seminar at PARCC institute, great discussions and enthusiastic feedback. Thanks to Nabila Bouatia-Naji for an invitation.

24 January 2022 - Nate gave a fantastic seminar at INEM campus and what is the best way to celebrate it …of course with a tasty team lunch!

January 2022 - CONGRATULATIONS to Yui and the Panasyuk Lab for publishing GR-class 3 PI3K story in the Acta Physiologica journal:

January 2022 - The Panasyuk Lab is further reinforced by Arianna and Anthony!

HapPIK 2022 Year in the PanasyukLab! We are all off for Winter holidays and looking forward to kick off new year with few more kg of tasty calories, recharged energy and good mood batteries


December 2022, The Panasyuk Lab continued yearly tradition of New year postcard making. Great way to build up the celebration mood:)

10 December 2021 - Ganna gave the seminar in Cordeliers Institute, stimulating discussions and great feedback. Thanks to Fabienne Foufelle for an invitation.

16 December 2021 - Ganna served as the external reviewer for PhD thesis defence of Sadia Raab, Lille University.

December 2021 - Congratulation to Yui who has won prestigious Uehara Memorial Foundation postdoc fellowship to extend her training in the Panasyuk Lab for another year.

December 2021 - The PanasyukLab is in the Xmas mood to decorate the official INEM Christmas tree…. So that all the wishes come true. Merry Xmas from the PanasyukLab!

November 2021 - Ganna had an honour to be selected as the FWO panel member and she is looking forward to taking part in this essential activity to give back to research community.

December 2021 - We are sad to say goodbye to Konstantina who leaves to join the Institute Curie as a permanent engineer…. A little present as a memory of the Panasyuk Lab :)

November 2021 - PanasyukLab had a cool time at SFR-Research day – great opportunity to exchange with the core platforms on our Necker campus to push our science further, faster and beyond frontiers.

November 2021 - Happy birthday, Yui!

November 2021 - Congratulations to Edouard for his graduation as Dr of Pharmacology. Another building stone to his PhD and Clinical Biology Research parkours.

October 2021 - We are excited to welcome Clara as a reinforcement of the engineers team of the PanasyukLab

25 October 2021 - Chantal gave a great seminar summarizing her 5-year tour de force scientific story on the crosstalk between class 3 PI3K and the circadian clock. Lots of cool feedback and encouragement…and of course we had a great meal afterwards

September 2021 - We had a fantastic time at INEM retreat 2021. Cool time to bond with an international community, to share our science and to have great fun! Congratulations to Nate for best talk award!

September 2021 - Chantal went on a short-term collaborative visit to Prof. Charna Dibner Lab. More exciting findings to come.


August 2021 - Happy birthday, Chantal!

July 2021 - Congratulations to the Lefebvre Lab for publishing a great story on the unexpected interaction between FAS, O-GlcNAc transferase and mTOR signaling in cancer cells. Alexis did a great job with leading this collaboration.

July 2021 - We are happy to welcome Berengere as the summer student trainee to join forces with Nate for three months to work out secrets of class 3 PI3K. Drinks for it! 

….and even more drinks to celebrate summer!

18 June 2021 -  Ganna served as a PhD thesis reviewer for the defense of Emmanuel Benichou, Cochin Institute.
July 2021 - Congratulations to our collaborator Karim Hnia from Toulouse University for winning ANR grant MuscLY! We are looking forward to an exciting collaboration on lysosomal nutrient signalling.
1 July 2021 - Ganna served as the external reviewer for PhD thesis defence of Stravoula ZAGKOU, Lyon University.

June 2021 Prof. Charna Dibner joined us as an inviter speaker to give a Necker campus seminar on “Circadian timing of diabetes: Repairing broken clocks to promote metabolic health”

28 May 2021 Nate successfully presented his mid-PhD progress to CSI committee. He got great feedback from Prof. Sagi Shapira and Dr. Jean-Sebastien Annicotte. The equator is passed! 

7 May 2021 It was a great pleasure to host Prof. Markus Ralser as our Friday webinar invited speaker!

In 2021 PanasyukLab has got another tradition – a weekly FIKA! No one can resist a great cake!!! Our recipe book is getting bigger and bigger:) We all are now for a hunt for new adventurous ingredients

14 April 2021 Ganna gave lecture to MD students who are wishing to specialise in research on metabolic tricks of proliferating cells

25 March 2021 We had a fantastic opportunity to host an exceptional webinar by Ludovic Vallier as he discussed his team's progress deciphering the secrets of liver organoids.

16 March 2021 Ganna gave lecture to first year master students on metabolic tricks of proliferating cells

15 March 2021 MetaboSENS team has to say goodbye to Marco Hatem, who had to come back to Spain… we hope to see him back soon!

8 March 2021 Yui Shibayama after successfully passing the quarantine has finally joined MetaboSENS team for a fantastic year of research! First day and already into the ChIPing and a bit of sneaking around serious Alexis! 

11 February 2021  International Day of Women and Girls in Science! We are proud to be part of a growing scientific community to enjoy the fun of discovery!

 1 February 2021  We have got the funding to initiate a new collaborative project with Prof.Charna Dibner lab (PINUT)

 18 January 2021 Ganna gave a seminar at PARCC Institute, Paris, France 

 14 January 2021 Muriel Girard gave a presentation of her medical findings on «Les maladies vasculaires du foie de l'enfant» at National Congres GFHGNP (Groupe Francophone d'hépato-gastro nutrition pediatrique)

 11 January 2021 Nate gave his first big seminar at INEM institute. Great attendance and enthusiastic feedback! Go Nate!

Team 17 is in a Xmas-creation mood! All hands-on board to create our special Xmas card filled with love, aspirations and HappI3K 2021 wishes!

Special Thanks to Eric Le Gall from SFR-Necker Iconography platform who kindly printed our creation.


Team 17 is having super fun by decorating official INEM Xmas Tree!!! Lets holidays begin:)


Father Xmas came earlier to Team 17 this yeah! We have now new coffee machine proudly named PIPs

It is not like we have invented how to drink coffee masked (not yet!) but no virus can stop us of having a cool scientific chat with a great cuppa:) 

8 December 2020 Muriel Girard presented an overview of our findings "Atrésies des voies biliaires et pistes génétiques" at "Journée Nationale de la filère maladie rare Filfoie"

10 December 2020 Ganna gave a seminar at Cordeliers Institute, Paris, France. Great discussion with many ideas to explore!

3 December 2020  Chantal has successfully defended her PhD thesis!!! We all proud of you Dr. Alkhoury! Fantastic defense and a bright future ahead!

3 December 2020 Our first custom made surprising knock-in Vps15 mouse model arrived! So exciting! Cannot wait to see the phenotype:)

2 December 2020 Marco Hatem has won the NanoString grant for transcriptional analyses of novel Biliary Atresia signatures. CONGRATULATIONS Marco!

24 November 2020 Ganna, Chantal and Alexis were interviewed by Marie Diop in frame of her Uni studies on what is to be a researcher at different stages. It was great to share our experience! Thank you, Marie, for your keen interest!

20 November 2020 Panasyuk lab is proud recipient of a joint with Dr. Charna Dibner lab funding for bilateral exchange from PHC Germaine de Staël 2021, Campus France. Looking forward for 2 years of exciting collaborative research!


2 November 2020 Ganna gave a course at Diderot University (Paris, France) presenting the links of the metabolism and signalling pathways – great zoom discussions! As always stimulating and joyful atmosphere!


1 November 2020 Edouard le Guillou has started in MetaboSENS team his exciting PhD thesis adventure on lysosomal class 3 PI3K and its implication in lysosomal storage diseases – GO Edouard!

July 2020 - Panasyuk Lab has contributed to the publishing of 4th edition of highly appreciated Guidelines of autophagy

Happy summer snaps of MetaboSENS team

Art happy hour of the MetaboSENS team

26 June 2020 Ganna gave a zoom-seminar at Necker Campus Online Seminar series: "ZOOMing into novel metabolic functions of PI3K signaling"

MetaboSENS team is back to the lab stronger as ever. Welcome to Dr. Marco Hatem who has joined our team!

During confinement, we are all finding creative ways to get work done!
From our couch, artistically drinking coffee, on our balcony…or making baguettes… 

MetaboSENS heroes will go long ways we get mission accomplished!

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Away from labbench means even closer to nutrients and creative cooking for all MetaboSENS team! It makes a perfect sense that in this confinement we stimulate our metabolism with delicious calories from home made fresh pasta, pancakes, and baguettes to tempt class 3 PI3K.

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27 March 2020 We had a lively discussion in our first journal club where all presented diverse research subjects from novel heat resistant proteins, bioluminescent squid, to autophagy in plants. It’s important to look to other fields of research to expand your view and that could stimulate your curiousity.

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One-to-one meetings are a must, even two-to-one meetings with the PI as well!

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25 March 2020 In our first virtual team meeting, Nate gave us an exciting look at where he is on his project, and what new ideas he has to follow once we are all back in the lab!

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13 March 2020 In response to the current global health emergency, we decided to prepare our own hand sanitizer.

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11 March 2020 We were all extremely happy to have a student visiting our lab. Hopefully, we convinced her to become a great scientist in the years to come. Nate gave her some helpful tips next time she will make gels!

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10 March 2020 Ganna gave a course at Descartes Medical University (Paris, France) presenting the metabolic adaptations in growth.

28 February 2020 Congratulations to Konstantina for officially obtaining her MSc with the specialty of “Molecular and Cellular Biology” from Sorbonne Université of Paris.

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25 February 2020  Chantal presented one of the papers that has inspired her greatly on the circadian clock and the timing of feeding at our INEM Pizza Club seminar!

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End of February, double birthday in the team! Happy birthday Alioune and Ganna. More cool wishes for Team 17 to come true.


18 February 2020 Alioune has successfully presented his on-going MSc project at INEM young researcher meeting. Five months of great productive work to come.


13-14 February 2020 All team has enjoyed the networking with an amazing line up of speakers at INEM Inauguration Symposium “FROM INTEGRATIVE BIOLOGY



6 February 2020 Congratulations to Dr. Muriel Girard who has defended her HDR degree. New research horizons are open for her to lead an exciting project on rare

liver diseases of children.


4 February 2020 Chantal has done an excellent seminar at INEM summarising the past three years of her PhD project craft. Great story to tell to world.

31 January 2020 Nate has presented his thesis project at INEM PhD student day. Lots of interest and cool questions from audience! Go BIG Nate!


15 January 2020 Congratulations to Nate for getting an official MSc! Thanks to Dr. Alexandre Benmerah for doing such excellent job with Master 2 course, Spécialité «Biologie et Développement Cellulaires», Universités Paris Descartes et Paris Diderot.


Here we are the MetaboSENS team-2019 saying goodbye to a great year 2019 and anticipating fantastic 2020!

3-6 December 2019 Ganna presented the team work at the workshop during MBSJ2019 conference held in Fukuoka, Japan. Exciting meeting of Molecular Biology society of Japan. Huge crowds of scientists exchanging great science that Japan develops. Many many many new connections that will bud into potential collaborations.

2 December 2019 Ganna has given a seminar at Osaka University, Osaka, Japan.

Great interactions with staff members and undergrad students! Special “thank you” to Professor Tamotsu Yoshimori and members of his team for warm hospitality.

1 December 2019 We all are mega happy to welcome Konstantina Antoniadou as an Engineer Assistant in our team.

Ganna has won INSERM DR2 (Directeur de Recherche class 2) position that is equivalent of full professor position in France.

Great recognition of our team work, our national and international competitiveness and huge honour and opportunity to our team to keep contributing to top science conducted at INSERM. INSERM is truly an equal opportunity employer with Ganna being one of the youngest female researchers who has obtained DR2 position.

22 November 2019 Ganna participated in Séminaire recherche AP-HP. Centre - Université de Paris – Hôpital Necker.

14-15 November 2019 Ganna gave a plenary lecture at Swiss Endocrinology- Diabetes annual meeting. Great atmosphere, fantastic talks and more new connections.

7 November 2019 DECLICS 2019 is launched. This year Chantal and Nate proudly represented our team in this essential dissemination activity.

1 November 2019 We all are mega happy to welcome Ines Partouche in our team.


29-30 October 2019 Ganna gave a talk at LIMNA symposium on “Emerging topics and technologies in metabolism” (Lausanne, Switzerland). Great feedback and

Special thanks to the organizers for setting up the meeting session with the PhD students of LIMNA network.


10 October 2019 Ganna gave a seminar at Cochin Institute, Paris, France.

October month is a month of moving our MetaboSENS lab to new premises in Descartes Medical School on Necker Hospital Campus.

First experiment!

Unpacking and first deliveries of new equipment!

Packing the old lab!

18-19 September 2019  BREAKING NEWS

We ARE MOVING to great, amazing, cool, super new premises of INEM institute in newly refurbished Descartes Medical School on Necker Hospital Campus. The moment that we have waited for 6 years is finally fast approaching. Last boxes to pack and we all are looking forward to settle in new amazing lab!

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1 September 2019, Anton has finished his postdoctoral training in our team and will embark on exciting postdoctoral journey to new research horizons! We all wish him the brightest future in all his beginnings!

24-28 August 2019, Ganna and Chantal have had a fantastic time at EBRS meeting in Lyon!

It was a mega great meeting of super top-tier science, old friends and tasty food!!! Million of new ideas, great feedback on our project and more collaborative links. This is just living scientific dream life!

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Nate has won a highly competitive three-year PhD Fellowship from French Government to fund his thesis project!!!! We are mega proud for Nate’s achievements and are looking forward to open more champagne bottles for many more discoveries!!!


4 July 2019 Ganna has participated at one-day workshop organized by Le Point de Contact National ERC at Ministere de l'Enseignement Superieur, de la Recherche et de l'Innovation, Paris, France.

24 June 2019 CONGRATULATIONS to Nate Henneman, who has obtained an amazing 19.0/20 grade for his MSc thesis work conducted in our team. Nate is also ranked second in his Master 2 program “Biologie et Développement Cellulaires” at University of Paris Descartes, Paris, France. All this is a music to our ears :))) Well done, Nate! Hard work and determination always pay off!!!

21 June 2019 Had a great team-moment together for a picnic during Fete de la Music at Park Montsouris


15 June 2019 
We are super happy to welcome Alexis Gadault who joins the team for one year as an Assistant Engineer!

12 June 2019 Ganna gave a seminar at Bichat Hospital at Centre de Recherche sur l’Inflammation (CRI), Paris, France.

6 June 2019 
Ganna gave a keynote closing speech on the YRLS 2019 conference (Young Researchers in Life Sciences - www.yrls.fr) at IMAGINE institute in Paris, France.

Chantal has won the best flash talk award during YRLS 2019 conference (Young Researchers in Life Sciences!!!! Congratulations for this cool achievement!



3 June 2019
We are super happy to welcome Alexandre Quesnoy, a final year student of L’école des ingénieurs en biotechnologies, who joins the team for two-month training!

 Chantal has won a highly competitive fellowship from La Fondation pour la recherche Médicale (FRM) to fund her last year of PhD training in the team! She celebrated with a style by throwing a fantastic HOUMOUS party with live cooking!!!


We are MEGA proud for her achievements and looking forward to more celebrations to come!!!!

24 May 2019 Ganna and Muriel participated at one-day meeting of Centre de Référence des Maladies Inflammatoires des Voies Biliaires et des Hépatites Auto-Immunes, Paris, France.

 14 May 2019 Ganna served as a reviewer at PhD thesis committee of Camille Ingargiola, IJPB INRA de Versailles. Versailles, France.

 12 April 2019 Ganna gave a seminar a s part of the “Barcelona Biomed Plenary Seminars” organized by IRB Barcelona and IBMB-CSIC IRB Barcelona, Spain.

27 March 2019 Ganna will give a course on metabolic addictions of cancer cells at Descartes Medical School.

12 March 2019 Ganna has an honour to be one of the first laureates of Fondation TOURRE (http://www.fondation-tourre.org/fr/). Every year it is a great pleasure to meet Michel Tourre, his friends, family and donors of this fantastic foundation that supports junior researchers.

Congratulations to this year laureates Dr. Yenkel GRINBERG-BLEYER and Dr. Géraldine GENTRIC! The warm moments of this gala banquet at the Salons de la Présidence of Paris-Descartes University will stay with me all year.

MEGA NEWS for our team!!!

Nature Communications manuscript is in press and what could be a better occasion to organize a great celebration with a buffet of traditional Ukrainian culinary delights! Thanks, Anton. More top discoveries (+tasty celebratory occasions) to come.

Nate has successfully defended his MSc (M2) project proposal in front of our Institute scientific panel. Now, 5 months of joyful intense research on class 3 PI3K!

17 December 2018 Ganna served as an external reviewer for the HDR defence of Dr. David Jacobi at L'institut du thorax, INSERM, CNRS, UNIV Nantes, (France)  

Congratulations to Dr. David Jacobi on his fantastic work and we are looking forward to develop further our collaboration.

11-13 December 2018 Ganna has participated at the Weizmann Institute of Science meeting "Timelines in Biology", Conference on Circadian Rhythms, Rehovot (Israel)

Great experience of being part of such dynamic and stimulating circadian community! More interactions to come!


5-7 December 2018, Ganna and the team hosted Dr. Masaaki Komatsu during his visit to Paris. Looking forward to publishing our story together to have even the bigger impact in our domain.

26 November 2018 Ganna chaired the session during the annual Necker Campus translational research SFR meeting at Imagine Institute. It was a great day of fantastic science display of Necker Hospital campus.

21-22 November 2018 Ganna visited TIGEM - Telethon Institute of Genetics and Medicine, Naples, Italy  

It was an honour and great pleasure to give a seminar at TIGEM. And congratulations to Umberto Formisano who has successfully defended his PhD thesis work.


17-19 Oct 2018 CONGRATULATIONS to Chantal to has won the prize for her poster presentation at CFATG8 - 8èmes journées scientifiques de l'autophagie at La Grande Motte, France. We all proud for her success and more to come!

1 October 2018 Chantal has given the institutional seminar at INEM 

1 September 2018 A warm welcome to Nate Henneman, the newest addition to the class 3 PI3K team. Starting from this fall, Nate, will develop the Master thesis project that aims to unveil metabolic secrets of the class 3 PI3K. 

15 July 2018 CONGRATULATIONS to year 2018 graduates of our team

We are mega proud of your achievements:
Sylvia (grade 19/20) is going across the pond to London to continue with her MSc studies,
Camille (grade 18/20) is heading back to medical school in Strasbourg to pursuit her MD degree,
Edward (grade 17/20, ranked second in his master!) will start this fall his PhD thesis project at Versailles University.
Thanks a lot guys and sky is your limit!

26 June 2018 Ganna served as an external reviewer on the PhD thesis jury of Marion Regnier (University of Toulouse) 
11 June 2018 Ganna gave a seminar in Nice at C3M Institute

15 June 2018 Ganna gave a seminar in Nantes at Thorax Institute

31 May - 1 June 2018 We had a fantastic time at two-day INEM institute retreat 2018! Anton and Chantal have got a great feedback for their projects during the poster sessions!

The huge cherry on the top of the cake is that all our team-efforts into making photos for the first ever “INEM photo competition”have paid off a big deal!!!! We did incredibly well by winning First and Second Prizes!!!!! Hooray!!!! 

More scientific fun to come!


23 April 2018 Anton gave a seminar at INEM Institute

05 April 2018   Ganna was awarded the Trophée K2 Oncology 2018 from prestigious French not-for-profit organization Cercle-K2. Congratulations to all the team for the most recent recognition of our research success!  https://cercle-k2.fr/eng/home

13 March 2018 Ganna gave a lecture on the Course «The basis of tissue growth control» PhD School Bio Sorbonne Paris Cité

20-21 February 2018 Edward and Camille presented their M2 projects on INEM Master student mentoring day

8 January 2018 Master students Camille and Edward have joined the team for 6-month training! Welcome!!!!

15 Dec 2017 Ganna has obtained the INSERM award for the successes in research and management

5 December 2017 Ganna gave a talk at University of Fribourg Seminar series, Fribourg, Switzerland

27 November 2017 Ganna gave a talk at the 7th Scientific Days on autophagy (CFATG7), Paris

23 November 2017 This autumn we again participated in Déclics activity! It was great fun to share our research with lyceens!!! So rewarding to get challenged with unexpected questions and get a fresh view on what we are doing. Big thanks to Cercle FSER for this wonderful initiative:  http://www.cerclefser.org/fr/declics/

17 November 2017 Ganna gave a seminar at INRA Institute seminar series, Toulouse

9 November 2017 Ganna gave a talk at the Structure Federative de Recherche journee scientific at Necker Campus

30 October 2017 Sylvia joined the team for 6-month training! Welcome!!!!

25 – 29 September 2017 Ganna has won the poster award from a Science journal at EMBO conference: Autophagy: From molecular principles to human diseases, Cavtat-Dubrovnik, Croatia

6 July 2017 Ganna gave a talk at Symposium Jeunes chercheurs/ITMO Metabolism, Paris